Assegnista di ricerca Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Dipartimento di Scienze umane


  • 2014
    Lo spazio della filosofia: una lettura del Teeteto di Platone, Loffredo Editore, Napoli.



  • 2023
    Paradigmi della Demiurgia.Studi sul lessico demiurgico nel pensiero antico e tardo-antico

    In questo quarto volume della collana ΔΗΛΩΜΑ è messa sotto indagine la famiglia lessicale del verbo δημιουργέω e dei suoi paronimi, esaminata sia nelle sue possibili distinzioni semantiche sia in relazione a termini ad essa affini (κτίσις, γένεσις, γέννησις e ποίησις). Dal punto di vista metodologico, in continuità con i volumi precedenti, anche qui a fare da denominatore comune è l’analisi lessicologica intesa come spettro attraverso cui misurare quelle oscillazioni di senso spesso illuminanti per comprendere la genesi e l’orizzonte di una determinata dottrina filosofica. In particolare questa raccolta di studi intende cogliere la profondità, la ricchezza di prospettive e l’ampiezza di orizzonti che conducono, nel lungo corso della riflessione antica e tardoantica, a partire dal mito fondativo del Timeo di Platone, passando per le sue critiche ad opera di Aristotele e di Epicuro, quindi del suo recupero e trasformazione in ambito stoico prima e medioplatonico/neoplatonico in seguito, alla determinazione di diversi paradigmi demiurgici, ossia di modelli che, a diverso titolo e sotto differenti angolazioni, pensano e descrivono la causalità, la produttività, lo statuto e l’eccellenza del principio divino generatore. Prefazione di Angela Longo. Saggi di Michele Abbate, Mauro Bonazzi, Loredana R. Cardullo, Francesco Caruso, Ludovica De Luca, Franco Ferrari, Ilaria Grimaldi, Emanuele Maffi, Alexandra Michalewski, Tiziano F. Ottobrini, Federico Petrucci, Paolo Togni, Francesco Verde.

  • 2011
    Thomas Bénatouïl, Emanuele Maffi, Franco Trabattoni, (eds.) Plato, Aristotle, or both?: Dialogues between Platonism and Aristotelianism in Antiquity. Europaea memoria. Reihe 1, Studien, Bd 85. Diatribai, 4. Hildesheim; Zürich; New York: Georg Olms Verlag

    Volume miscellaneo


  • 2015
    K. M. Vogt, Belief and Truth. A Skeptic Reading of Plato (Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012).

    «Études platoniciennes» 12, 2015.

  • 2015
    C. Warne, Arguing with Socrates: An introduction to Plato’s Shorter Dialogues (Bloomsbury, London 2013).

    «Études platoniciennes» 12, 2015.

  • 2013
    C. Rowe, Plato and the art of philophical writing (CUP, Cambridge 2007).

    «Études platoniciennes» 10, 2013.

  • 2011
    recensione a A. Havlícek-F. Karfík-S. Spinka (eds.), Plato’s Theaetetus. Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium Platonicum Pragense (Prague 2008)

    «Elenchos» 32 (vol. II), 2011, pp. 363-371

  • 2011
    Alfredo Ferrarin (a cura di), La realtà del pensiero : essenze, temporalità e ragione in Platone, Hegel e Husserl, (ETS, Pisa 2007).

    «Rivista di Storia della Filosofia» 66 (vol. I), 2011.

  • 2011
    C. Partenie (ed.), Plato’s Myth, (CUP, Cambridge 2009).

    «Méthexis» XXIV, 2011, pp. 203-210.

  • 2010
    E. Jouet-Pastré, Le jeu et le sérieux dans le Lois de Platon, (Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin 2006)

    «Rivista di Storia della Filosofia» 65 (vol III.) 2010.

  • 2009
    J. Monserrat-Molas-A. Bosch-Veciana (edd.), Philosophy and dialogue: studies on Plato's dialogues (Barcelonesa d'Edicions, Barcelona 2007)

    «Méthexis» 22, 2009.

  • 2006
    M.K. Lee The epistemology after Protagoras: Responses to relativism in Plato, Aristotle and Democritus, (Clarendon Press, Oxford 2005).

    «Rivista di Storia della Filosofia» 61 (vol.IV) 2006.

  • 2005
    T. Chappell Reading Plato’s Theaetetus, (Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin 2004).

    «Elenchos» 26 (vol.II) 2005.


  • 2024
    Can God truly create darkness? The account of darkness and the exegesis of Isaiah 45,7 in John Philoponus' De opificio mundi (II, 6-8), in Zetesis. Rivista di cultura greca e latina, XLIV, n.1, 2024.

    In Chapter 8 of Book II of De opificio mundi, Philoponus provides his interpretation of the verse from the Book of Isaiah (45,7) where God declares, «I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil». This explanation is crucial to dispel the misconception that God actually created darkness and evil. In this study, I aim to demonstrate that Philoponus' exegesis of the Isaiah verse is rooted in his philosophical expertise. Specifically, I focus on the notion of παρυπόστᾰσις, which plays a significant role in Philoponus' construction of arguments against the possibility that God can truly create darkness.

  • 2023
    Che cosa ipotizza Socrate? Una proposta di lettura di Men. 97e2-98b5. in "Archai. The origins of western thought", No.33, 2023 (forthcoming)

    Recently, some scholars have authoritatively stated the idea of Men.97e2-98b5 being a strong criticism of any epistemological perspective based on an additive model of knowledge, in which knowledge is conceived as a form of opinion with the addition of something else. In this article I’ll try to show that Plato's aim is not to criticize such model of knowledge but to pose, in the form of a hypothesis which has to be verified in other texts, the main problem of his epistemology: is the logos, or rather the aitias logismos, able to bind opinions so firmly together that they are transformed into that kind of infallible knowledge that is the episteme? In order to justify this interpretation of Men. 97e2-98b5, I’ll try to provide a new reading of the relationship between this passage of the dialogue and other themes exposed in the previous sections of the text (such as the maieutic experiment to which Socrates subjects Meno's slave, the Recollection doctrine and the method by hypothesis).

  • 2023
    E. Maffi, Elenco completo delle pubblicazioni

    Elenco delle pubblicazioni aggiornato al 2023

  • 2022
    Ricerca della verità, metodo apodittico ed esegesi biblica. Riflessioni sul significato del primo capitolo del libro VIII degli Stromati di Clemente Alessandrino, forthcoming in «Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica» (Received: 15/12/2020, Approved: 22/02/2021).

    In the first chapter of the so-called Eighth Stromateus, Clement of Alexandria provides an exegesis of the Gospel verse: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”(Matthew, 7,7). The aim of this paper is to show that through his reading of the Gospel verse Clement sketches the main lines of the biblical exegetical method he used in the Stromateis. This would show that the first chapter of the Stromateis VIII is not a part scarcely related to the rest of the book but is instead a useful introduction to understand Clement’s interest in the technical explanation of a theory of demonstration. So, the first chapter plays an important role of trait d’union between the logical chapters of the eighth Book and the rest of the Stromateis, because it explains when and how Greek philosophy must be used.

  • 2021
    Reminiscenza, eros e ragione umana: Il “Platone” di Franco Trabattoni, in Syzetesis-Rivista di Filosofia, Anno VIII, 2021 (Nuova Serie).

    Questo articolo vuole offrire un’analisi dei capisaldi – l’eredità socratica e la forma dialogica come modus philosophandi, il rapporto con la cultura tradizionale e la sofistica, il ruolo delle Idee, la funzione della reminiscenza e i limiti e le possibilità della ragione umana – che caratterizzano l’interpretazione della filosofia di Platone proposta da Franco Trabattoni. Seguendo il percorso tracciato da questi nuclei teorici emerge un Platone metafisico ma non dogmatico: un Platone convinto che la filosofia, in quanto desiderio della sapienza e incessante esercizio del logos, sia la sola strada che conduce a l’uomo ad avvicinarsi alla verità in quantità sufficiente da difendere e giustificare i propri giudizi e le proprie azioni nel mondo.

  • 2020
    EIDOS, IDEA, PARADEIGMA: osservazioni sulla natura del Santo in Eutifrone 6d–10e, "Methexis. International Journal for Ancient Philosophy", XXXII, 2020

    Plato’s Euthyphro has been interpreted in two ways. The first one, given by Vlastos, is the so-called “developmentalism” according to which in the Euthyphro (and in the early dialogues) we cannot find any ‘theory of Forms’, which belongs only to Plato’s middle dialogues, but nothing more than a search for definitions. The second one, supported by Allen, claims instead that in the Euthyphro we can find the early (or Socratic) theory of Forms, a theory that has some common items as well as some differences with the later (or Platonic) theory of Forms. Through the detailed analysis of the refutation of Euthyphro second definition of holiness I argue that the ontological status of Holiness and its causal role is already the status and the role played by the Forms in Plato’s middle works. So a metaphysical meaning can be assigned to εἶδος, ἰδέα, παράδειγμα already in the Euthyphro.

  • 2020
    Socrate, Platone e l’utilità della metafisica. Note a margine della lettura del Socrate di Hannah Arendt

    Zetesis. Rivista di cultura greca e latina, XL, 2020-1, pp. 80-92

  • 2018
    Gli appunti di Euclide: la scrittura della filosofia e l’esperienza della conoscenza. Alcune osservazioni sul prologo esterno del Teeteto platonico

    Zetesis. Rivista di cultura greca e latine, XXXVIII, 2018-1, pp. 43-67

  • 2008
    Retorica filosofica e retorica dell'ambizione. A proposito di una recente lettura del 'Gorgia' di Platone.

    Méthexis, XXI, 2008, pp. 165-172.

  • 2008
    Sapere dialettico e sapere tecnico. In margine a due recenti pubblicazioni

    Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 63, 2008, pp. 267-275.

  • 2007
    To pan, to holon e la terza definizione di episteme. Alcune considerazioni su Teeteto 203a1-208b10

    «PLATO. Journal of the International Plato Society» (on line journal), 7, 2007, pp. 1-19.

  • 2006
    La natura della doxa tra la prima e la seconda definizione di episteme. Contributo all’esegesi di Teeteto (184c-190e).

    «Acme. Annali della facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano» vol. LIX, vol. I, 2006, pp. 3-36.


  • 2023
    Filopono e il problema dell’animazione dell’embrione. Un tentativo di ricostruzione del percorso filoponiano alla luce del ‘De Opificio mundi’,

    in A. Longo-T. F. Ottobrini (a cura di), L’esegesi aristotelica alla prova dell’esegesi biblica. Il ‘De Opificio mundi’ di Giovanni Filopono, Studi di Storia della Filosofia Antica vol. 14, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma 2023, pp. 135-188.

  • 2023

    in E. Maffi (a cura di), Paradigmi della Demiurgia. Studi sul lessico demiurgico nel pensiero antico e tardo-antico, Collana ΔHΛΩΜΑ, vol. IV, Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2023.

  • 2022
    The Soul as an Aviary: a Metaphorical and Metaphysical Reading of Tht. 196c7-200d4, in D. Zucca (ed.), NEW EXPLORATIONS IN PLATO'S THEAETETUS - Belief, Knowledge, Ontology, Reception, Brill's Plato Studies Series,Brill, Boston-Leiden

    In this paper I shall propose a metaphysical and metaphorical reading of the so-called Aviary model, a simile Plato introduces in order to explain how a false opinion may arise in the human soul. Despite the model missing its target, the Aviary still plays a positive role in the economy of the Theaetetus. Plato in this model scatters some essential hints that invite the reader to connect the passage with the section of the Meno concerning the maieutic experiment and the doctrine of the Recollection. Therefore, the Aviary, as well as the Jury passage, represent the means that Plato chooses to invite his readers to interpret the third part of the Theaetetus in the light of the onto-epistemological background of the middle dialogues, and, in particular, to read it as a response to that hypothesis which was left unverified in the Meno: whether or not the addition of a complete logos is the factor which can transform the alethes doxa into episteme.

  • 2019
    The Theaetetus Digression: an Ethical interlude in an epistemological dialogue? in M. Bonazzi- F.Forcignanò-A. Ulacco (edd.), Thinking Knowing Acting. Epistemology and Ethics in Plato and Ancient Platonism, Brill, Leiden-Boston: 2019

    The so-called Digression (172a1-177c4) is probably the least discussed part of the Theaetetus, perhaps because it is not easy to get the point of this part of the dialogue. In this paper my purpose is to give a plausible answer to the following questions: what is the role played by the Digression within the dialogue as a whole? And could we consider it merely an ethical interlude in an epistemological context? From the point of view of content, the Digression doesn’t introduce anything new, beyond what Plato said in his middle dialogues. All the ideas the Digression points out have already been explained elsewhere: (1) the freedom of the philosopher, as opposed to the slavery of the orator, is a topic of the Gorgias; (2) the philosopher’s care for the soul rather than the body and the thesis that there is no virtue without wisdom are claimed in the Phaedo as well in the Republic; (3) that this wisdom is the knowledge of Forms and that it is a kind of purification and assimilation to god as far as possible is argued in the Phaedo and in the Republic. What conclusion can be drawn from that? The only conclusion we may draw is that the importance of the Digression consists exactly in the fact that it does not add anything new to Plato’s philosophy and in this way it actually shows that the onto-epistemological background of the Theaetetus is the same background in play in the Phaedo, Republic and Phaedrus. Through the Digression, Plato warns us that the metaphysical and epistemological framework which we must use to make sense of the Theaetetus is still that of the middle dialogues, for the very good reason that every topic Plato accounts for in the Digression has already been explained in a more detailed way in his previous works. I think that, if rightly understood, the Digression states explicitly that the horizon of the middle dialogues is still in place and therefore that the Two-World Theory is still alive. If I am right, the Digression is not a mere ethical interlude, barely integrated to the rest of dialogue. Rather it plays a central role in marking the continuity between the Theaetetus and Plato’s middle dialogues. This continuity makes the Theaetetus not an indirect confirmation of Plato epistemology but a pivotal work in understanding the best human knowledge (alethes doxa meta logou) as philo-sophia and, consequently, the true goal of Plato’s epistemology.

  • 2017
    Platone Protagora e la fondazione delle tecniche

    M. Ferrari (a cura di) Logos e Techne, Mimesis: Milano 2017

  • 2013
    Logica e dialettica nei commentatori neoplatonici della Scuola di Alessandria

    C. Crimi, R. Gentile, L. Giordano, M.D. Spadaio (a cura di) Orpheus. Studi e rassegne su Antico, Tardoantico e Medioevo», vol.1 , Bonanno Editore, Acireale-Roma, 2013 pp. 173-193.